
An atomistic based model for interacting crack and inhomogeneity in fcc metals under polynomial loading

Shodja, H. M ; Sharif University of Technology

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  1. Type of Document: Article
  2. Abstract:
  3. Classical continuum mechanics fails to give accurate solution near the crack tip, moreover, it implies that a solid is able to sustain an infinite stress at the Griffith-Inglis crack tips. Among other critical issues is the inability of the classical approach to sense the size effect. For these reasons, for more in-depth understandings and accurate behavioral predictions, it is essential to develop some atomistic methods which properly accounts, not only for the structure but also the long and short range atomic interactions effectively. In this work the interaction of inhomogeneity and crack under polynomial loading is simulated by using the many body Rafii-Tabar and Sutton potential function which can be used for predicting mechanical behavior of fcc metallic alloys. To make the computer simulation feasible an effective pair-wise potential function based on Rafii-Tabar and Sutton interatomic potential is proposed. The effect of the inhomogeneity size and distance of it from the crack tip on the mode I stress intensity factor of the crack is studied
  4. Keywords:
  5. Atomic interactions ; Atomistic methods ; Classical approach ; Critical issues ; FCC metals ; In-depth understanding ; Inhomogeneities ; Interatomic potential ; Many body ; Mechanical behavior ; Metallic alloys ; Mode I stress intensity factor ; Potential function ; Size effects ; Computer simulation ; Continuum mechanics ; Crack tips ; Cracks ; Fracture ; Loading
  6. Source: 12th International Conference on Fracture 2009, ICF-12, 12 July 2009 through 17 July 2009, Ottawa, ON ; Volume 5 , 2009 , Pages 3597-3605 ; 9781617382277 (ISBN)
  7. URL: کنفرانس بود