
Removal of Heavy Metal Ions and Wastewater Treatment by Using the Electrocoagulation Process

Dehnavi, Mehdi | 2022

78 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 55726 (06)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Ghasemian, Saloumeh
  7. Abstract:
  8. Industrial wastewater treatment has always been one of the significant human being problems for the years. In particular, sewage containing heavy metals that, if discharged into nature, would have irreversible effects on the ecosystem and human health. Due to their toxic nature, heavy metals will reduce the efficiency of wastewater treatment systems if they are not efficiently treated. Also, the removal of Nitrate from the wastewater, which is one of the most stable nitrogen oxides, has always been a serious human problem in the treatment of effluents due to their high solubility in water. The simultaneous presence of nitrate and heavy metals in the effluent will cause many problems in the treatment process. Among the various methods for wastewater treatment, the method of electrocoagulation has received more attention due to its high efficiency, lower sludge volume, and no need to add chemicals in the last two decades. In this study, wastewater treatment containing heavy metals chromium, nickel, and lead in the presence of nitrate has been investigated. Various operating conditions including initial concentration, flow density, pH, and reaction time were studied during the process. Also, using Design Expert software, the test conditions were optimized. According to preliminary experiments, the removal efficiency of heavy metals separately due to low initial pollutant concentrations, recorded a removal efficiency of approximately 80% for chromium and nickel as well as 99% for lead due to low initial pollutant concentrations. However, the removal efficiency was significantly reduced when the simultaneous removal of all heavy metals was investigated. Chromium and nickel removal efficiencies decreased by about 10% and lead by 5%. In the final part of the experiments, the effect of the presence of nitrate on the removal of heavy metals at different pHs was investigated. Finally, it was found that in the presence of nitrate, the removal efficiency of chromium, nickel, and lead decreased by 1, 1.31, and 5.87%, respectively.

  9. Keywords:
  10. Electrocoagulation ; Waste Treatment ; Heavy Metals ; Nitrate Removal ; Metal Ions Removal ; Industrial Wastewaters

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