
Sharing Economy’s Customers Segmentation Based on Participation Motives Case Study: Ride-sharing Platforms in Iran

Yazdanshad, Arian | 2022

104 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 55402 (44)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Management and Economics
  6. Advisor(s): Najmi, Manoochehr
  7. Abstract:
  8. Among businesses operating under the sharing economy model, ride-sharing platforms or Internet taxis have attracted a lot of attention and have been able to encourage millions of people to use them in a few years. Meanwhile, what has been the subject of numerous researches in recent years is the motivation of people to use this type of business. Understanding what motivates users to use these businesses is important to them because it helps them allocate their resources optimally by focusing on the benefits, shortcomings, and potential disadvantages of their product, And then by improving the provided service, have more advantages and attractiveness in the eyes of customers. Accordingly, in this research, 15 different motivations were selected according to the existing literature in this field in order to understand the different sections of the customers of internet taxis in Iran. In this research, which was conducted quantitatively, more than 1,300 people responded to a questionnaire designed to measure the importance of each motivation, of course, after cleaning the data, about 1,100 responses were selected for further analysis. Using a two-step method for clustering, customers were segmented into 4 sections named "time-sensitive people", "trust-seekers", "impressible people" and “economic people” based on their motives for using internet taxis. Also, by using variables to understand the identified sectors better, it was found that these segments are different in the variables of gender, age, education, occupation, use of internet taxis, owning a private car, marital status, income, and city of residence. For example, in the time-sensitive people segment, the percentage of people in the age range of 25 to 34 years, is significantly higher than the average of the segments, and the percentage of people who rarely use Internet taxis is also the same in this segment
  9. Keywords:
  10. Platform ; Segmentation ; Internet Taxi ; Sharing Economy ; Ride-Hailing Platforms

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