
Requirement Management Fundamentals for an Air Transport Fleet to Investigate and Improve Airport Runway Saturation Points

Ghasemzadeh, Alireza | 2018

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 50856 (45)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Aerospace Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Malaek, Mohammad Bagher
  7. Abstract:
  8. Air transport system of each country consists of three interconnected elements (players); namely (1) Airlines, (2) Airports and (3) Air-Traffic Control. Any increase in the air transport capacity requires consistent growth in each sector. Obviously, any player can start such a process, but cannot continue without proper contribution of the other two. In this work, we study the process of growth capacity increase in the air-transportation system with an emphasis on the Airline characteristics. We show how the growth of an independent Airline will lead to the condition for which any subsequent investment will not have any effect on the quality of services provided by the system. We refer to this condition as "System Saturation Point (SSP)". We further show how such a condition could be detected through proper modelling. Detecting and improving the saturation point is necessary to avoid such condition; as it clearly leads to the loss of funds. On the other hand, prediction of the saturation point can also be achieved by examining the system stakeholders behavior and compiling the requirements for each. In this research, the requirements for major stakeholders in the air transport system are identified, and their influence are examined. By studying different requirements and how they could affect one another and the saturation point, we could create the condition for better investments. Mathematical models are used to illustrate such effects. The analysis of the simplest mathematical model shows that it is possible to avoid reaching the saturation point under certain conditions. These include the change in flight frequency and the selection of aircraft type by the target airline, the use of IFR and VFR regulations. Moreover, we could impose a fine for flight delays or add a new runway to the airport, which in this research has been investigated
  9. Keywords:
  10. Airports ; Air Transport ; Flight Frequency Determination ; Runway Controller ; Airline Management ; Air Traffic Control Center ; Runway Saturation Point ; Requirements Management

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