
Comparison of different methods in bioleaching of tungsten- rich spent hydro-cracking catalyst using adapted Penecillum simplicissimum BBRC-20019

Amiri, F ; Sharif University of Technology | 2010

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  1. Type of Document: Article
  2. DOI: 10.3303/CET1021248
  3. Publisher: Italian Association of Chemical Engineering - AIDIC , 2010
  4. Abstract:
  5. This study was designed to compare one-step, two-step and spent medium bioleaching of spent catalyst by adapted Penecillum simplicissimum in batch cultures. Penecillum simplicissimum which was adapted to heavy metal ions Ni, Mo, Fe, and W grew in the presence of up to 5 %w/v of spent catalyst in the medium. The main lixiviant in bioleaching was gluconic acid which was produced mainly in present and absence of spent catalyst. A total of 3 %w/v spent catalyst generally gave maximum extraction yields in two-step bioleaching process, which the amounts of leached metals were 100 % of W, 100 % of Fe, 92.7 % of Mo, 66.43 % of Ni, and 25 % of Al. The red pigment produced by fungus could also possibly act as an agent in Al leaching. Copyright
  6. Keywords:
  7. Batch cell culture ; Bioleaching ; Catalysts ; Energy conservation ; Heavy metals ; Metal ions ; Molybdenum ; Optimization ; Pollution ; Tungsten ; Batch culture ; Cracking catalysts ; Extraction yield ; Gluconic acids ; Red pigments ; Spent catalyst ; Catalytic cracking
  8. Source: Chemical Engineering Transactions ; Volume 21 , 2010 , Pages 1483-1488 ; 19749791 (ISSN) ; 9788895608051 (ISBN)
  9. URL: http://www.aidic.it/cet/10/21/248.pdf