
Hybrid nanostructures in cancer therapy

Adeli, M ; Sharif University of Technology | 2012

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  1. Type of Document: Article
  2. Publisher: Nova Science Pub , 2012
  3. Abstract:
  4. Nanotechnology has emerged as a key technology which has opened new vistas to find effective therapies for cancer. Nanomaterials are particularly promising candidates for early diagnosis of cancer cells. Several classes of nanomaterials, including dendritic and supramolecular polymers, carbon nanotubes, graphene and metal nanoparticles, have shown tremendous ability to recognize and destroy cancer cells in vivo. In this book, some of these novel systems and their potential applications in cancer therapy are reviewed
  5. Keywords:
  6. Hybrid nanostructures ; Cancer
  7. Source: Hybrid Nanostructures in Cancer Therapy ; 2012 , Pages 1-204 ; 9781621005179 (ISBN)
  8. URL: https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=29121&osCsid