
Investigating the Necessity and Conditions of Implementing the Virtual Design and Construction Method (VDC); and Proposing a Process to Apply the Method in the Design and Construction Projects in Iran

Mostafazadeh Davani, Sahand |

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 44497 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Mortaheb, Mohammad Mehdi
  7. Abstract:
  8. By using the information and communication technology (ICT) in the past three decades, many industries have been able to improve their productivity to a great extent. However, the construction industry is not experiencing such growth in productivity. Many believe that one of the most important reasons for this problem is the ineffectual use of ICT in the construction industry. To solve this problem, several construction methods have been developed in order to increase the productivity of the construction industry by using the aspects of the ICT. One of the most promising methods in this area is the Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) method.
    Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) is the use of integrated multi-disciplinary performance models of design-construction projects to support explicit and public business objectives. VDC models are virtual because they show computer-based descriptions of the project. The VDC project model emphasizes those aspects of the project that can be designed and managed, i.e., the product (typically a building or plant), the organization that will define, design, construct and operate it, and the process that the organization teams will follow. These models are logically integrated in the sense that they all can access shared data, and if a user highlights or changes an aspect of one, the integrated models can highlight or change the dependent aspects of related models. The models are multi-disciplinary in the sense that they represent the Architect, Engineering, Contractor (AEC) and Owner of the project, as well as relevant sub disciplines.
    As the recent studies and reports indicate, the productivity of the construction industry in Iran, as a developing country, is low and many projects are facing problems reaching the goals defined in the project scope. On the other hand, considering the case studies and reports of the implementation of VDC method in construction projects in the developed countries, it can be predicted that many companies will increase the use of this method in their projects to improve their performance and productivity in the future. Therefore, it seems essential for the construction industry experts in Iran to try to adopt this method and apply it in the domestic construction projects.
    This study aims to identify the problems and barriers against the proper implementation of the VDC method in the construction projects in Iran and then investigates the possible benefitsthatcan be achieved by the implementation of this methodin the construction projects in Iran. In the end, several solutions to eliminate the identified barriers and problems are introduced
  9. Keywords:
  10. Iran ; Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) ; Construction Industry Projects ; Design and Construction

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